Toddler Seat Cushion

€ 59,00 OutOfStock

Suggested Retail Price.


The Toddler Seat Cushion is a comfortable extension of our Child Seats for children between 6 and 18 months who can sit themselves but are still too small for our regular seating solutions. 

The cushion is fastened with the existing harness system and reduces the size of the seat offe­ring additional comfort to the child and helps the child maintaining a correct sitting position. The Toddler Seat Cushion is easy to install with the 5-point harness system. It’s made of bre­athable material and must be hand-washed.

Can be used with Child Seat and Child Seat Luxe.

Eine nachhaltigere Art

des Lebens

Für sicheres

Fahren ausgelegt

In Dänemark

von Hand montiert

Dänischer Fahrradhersteller

seit 1932

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